Dear Readers,
“Like stars on earth” every child is special, I love this phrase as so very true. Most of my adult life I have worked with children whether as Sunday School teacher, Youth Group leader, Youth choir director, Girl Scouts, or doing story times and events when I was Children’s Manager and Buyer for an independent bookstore. I have won twice, from the National Women’s Book Council, the Lucile Michele Pannell Award for outstanding children’s programming given to me once during the American Bookseller’s Convention in Miami, Florida and the second time at Book Expo in Chicago. I love children and “like stars on earth”, they are our most precious gift.
I have always said “books saved me” but this was only because of the love of reading my teachers and librarians instilled in me. School was a safe place as there was a routine and it was all about reading. It is a fact that if a child cannot read well by the time they reach the 3rd grade they will always be handicapped in life. One of the main reasons when I was President of my hometown Rotary Club of Jefferson, Texas I started The Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program that puts free books in the hands of parents to read to their babies from the moment they are born until they begin Kindergarten. That is 60 books you all beginning with “The Little Engine That Could” to “Miss Bindergarten goes to Kindergarten” This program continues even though I have moved from Jefferson as literacy is one of the key important programs endorsed by Rotary International that also endorses The Dolly Parton Literacy Foundation. I am thrilled this organization will be represented at our 2022 Pulpwood Queen Book Club Convention called Girlfriend Weekend. Reading is that important.
But what if as a child you cannot grasp the concept of reading and what if as a parent you do not understand why your child cannot read?
You know as the CEO and Founder of The Pulpwood Queen Book Club Reading Nation our mission has always been to promote authors, books, literacy, and reading. Did you also know that I ask ALL chapters to champion a literacy endeavor and that the Pulpwood Queens have done from conducting storytimes at libraries, festivals, schools, and even mentoring reading to our youth. We have started reading programs and even a Pulpwood Queen Book Club at a women’s correctional facility near Anchorage, Alaska. I know as my Pulpwood Queens of Alaska flew me first class to Alaska to launch this progam going through with permission the state’s governor and F.B.I. clearance. That chapter created a microwave recipe cookbook that’s proceeds help fund their book club selection reads. They started a reading program for their children and then once out of prison they began The Paroled Pulpwood Queens of Alaska because they knew they reading changes lives. I could go on and on about the literacy endeavors that The Pulpwood Queens have championed.
Then I stayed up way too late last night watching this film about a small boy and his art teacher who saves his life by teaching him to read as he has dyslexia. Besides selecting books this coming year, I am selecting a book set in the U.S.A. and a book set in a foreign country. I want our Pulpwood Queens Book Club to further our literacy endeavor as we are now in our 20th year the largest “meeting and discussing” International Book Club in the world. We must be more diverse and address reading globally. Besides our basic needs, of food, air, water, shelter we must teach our children that reading is the most important tool to becoming successful and productive in society. Notice I did not say rich. The art teacher in this film may not be monetarily rich as he’s working at two schools but I can assure you he is the richest man I have ever seen in life. And like Amir Shan who starred and produced the film we must as paretns and as a people treat our children as the most precious gift to us. They are our future.
So this is my thank you to those who think outside of the box, our teachers, librarians, educational leaders and yes, The Pulpwood Queens and our authors who are making a difference in so many children’s and people’s lives. It’s all about the story and this one…”like stars on earth”. Be a star! Be a ROCK STAR FOR LITERACY! Watch and please share with your family, friends, and book club. I will be adding films to go along with our books this year and this is one of the best I have ever seen. Thank you to Amir Khan and all who made this film possible. Make this time while we are social distancing one of great importance and our children deserve all that we can do to help them succeed in life. Thank you too for reading my entire post and watching the film.
Lessons which I personally learned from this movie :
1.Everyone is unique in their own way.
2.People will not likely understand you, maybe our parents too.
3.Following your interest, will make our job more fruitful.
4.Not everyone can secure good marks. Fish cannot climb a tree.
5.Torturing a kid, may be disastrous : This may lead to depression.
6.Kids are sweet and pure.
7.Daydreaming is not bad, it makes a person creative.
8.Best mentor can change your life.
9.You can make anyone your best friend, disabled or abled, fishes or dogs.
And last,
Thankyou for reading 🙂
Truly, Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy

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