Dear friends,
Here at Murphy’s Law it has been raining for so long and before that an ice storm hit, a foot of snow, more ice, what a winter to spring. Now we are into summer and it just will not stop raining, so The Pulpwood Queen has had to take a break from reading and thrown herself into her painting. Reading, film watching, painting are all escapes for me when life just gets too tough to deal with as they help keep my sanity.
I am busy everyday as I have to be, work is what keeps my mind focused on the positive and so I have been painting like a madwoman. Today I am painting then I am taking a nice long drive through the country, that too knocks the cobwebs out of having cabin fever and dealing with the hard life issues of some pretty serious issues of friends and family health. You know the saying that we should never judge as you never know what somebody else is going through. I’m fine you all, my health is good but I am such an empath, if someone is suffering that I am close too, I suffer too. I just cannot help it. So I am painting until I see better days ahead.
This summer I have set up a writing schedule as knocking off the first draft of my next book plus all the other kazillion things I do. So no matter what life throws at you, throw yourself into your work, something that you are so passionate about that it brings your life joy. Ta ta for now, pray for some big time healing for my family and friends and why don’t you just pray for me too no matter your faith. We are a tribe, a community of humans who thrive on love and to be loved. Being so isolated it is hard for me, so I focus on what I can do to connect with others. That’s for reading and listening and today give a shout out to a friend or a family member you have not heard from in awhile. Make those connections and then I will see you all tonight at my Book & Film Club with my co-host Robert Gwaltney. I live for Saturday nights with him as we have so much fun discussing our love of the film of the week and laugh a lot with all the book club members and authors that join us. Besides, you just never know what I might wear. I keep myself highly entertained by planning the hair, makeup and costume for each Book & Film Club pre-show. Tonight it’s SHAMPOO starring Goldie Hawn, Julie Christie, and Warren Beatty. It’s big time fun you all because as always, it’s all about the story and our stories too. Thanks for joining me!

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