With every visionary I have found that all the success they have in this life they earned it through their hard, hard work. Take the responsibility to be what you want to see and earn it. Work hard and read. It’s all about the story.
So for 2021, I, as the founder of The Pulpwood Queen International Book Club will be selecting a book each of the 12 months as a book club selection but also to be more diverse and global, selecting a book too to read from another country. Here are my 2021 January Pulpwood Queen Book Club Selections and as we social distance, two films to help us further develop reading as the best entertainment in the world.
2021 January Pulpwood Queen Book Club Selections
Book of the Month
“Spellbound Under the Spanish Moss” by Connor Garrett and Kevin Garrett
Film to watch for further discussion as this one inspired the father/son authors: “Big Fish” based on the book of the same name by Daniel Wallace also a former Pulpwood Queen Book Club Selection.
International Book of the Month:
“King of Bollywood Shah Rukh Khan and the Seductive World of Indian Cinema” by Anupama Chopra
Film to watch for further discussion “My Name is Khan” starring Shahrukh Khan.
Bonus Book Club Selections T.B.A.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of The Pulpwood Queens International Book Club Reading Nation!
Truly, Tiara Wearing and Book Sharing
Kathy L. Murphy

2020 we are celebrating our 20 Years of reading together with an anthology of nearly 70 of our authors and book club member writers, “The Pulpwood Queens Celebrate 20 years” edited by Susan Cushman, Introduction by Kathy L. Murphy, Foreword by Robert Hicks, Afterward by Jonathan Haupt, cover by Nicole Seitz published by Melissa Coleman Carrigee of Brother Mockingbird Publishing Let’s celebrate the next 20 years by going becoming even more diverse and even more global!
To order our books go to my bookstore that supports independent booksellers, https///www.bookshop.org/shop/ThePulpwoodQueensBookShop!
For more information on joining our book club go to www.thepulpwoodqueens.com and joining our Pulpwood Academy Online Book Club. Our mission is to promote authors, books, literacy, and reading around the world and our motto is “where TIARAS are mandatory as in reading our good books”!

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