Dear Readers,
Welcome to my little cabin in the woods, Murphy’s Law. This is where I live at Holly Lake Ranch, Texas and where I have added my Art Studio by enclosing my former carport, shed, into my glass enclosed artist working space. Today I will in my “Feather Your Nest” I will focus on the outside of my home as that is important too! Thank you for coming by for a visit!
Here is one of the wreaths I have created from my forest finds to decorate my home.
This bird feeder greets you as you walk up to my side porch and door to my Murphy’s Law!
This hammock is perfect for lazy day’s reading!
I am training wisteria to grow over and iron arch just outside my back door of Murphy’s Law.
A photo of me outside my back door on my deck and love this spot for morning coffee time!
One of my Raku ceramic artworks that houses one of my many orchid plants, my favorite flower!
As you can see the deer come right into my woods, this time right outside my art studio!
One of the many outside woods embellishments!
Thank you all for joining to me today at “Feather Your Nest” blog and sharing my home, Murphy’s Law. Stay tuned tomorrow for my post on my Art Studio on “Feather Your Nest”. My life is an open book and it’s all about the story. Thanks for reading it!
Truly, Tiara Wearing and “Feather Your Nest” Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy
Artist/Author/Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs and Author of “The Pulpwood Queens’ Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life”
Director of Acquisitions of Lucid House Publishing
P.O. Box 1220
Hawkins, Texas 75765 – 1220 to see my art in the gallery
P.S. Please check out my Pulpwood Queen “Mud Pies” Story Time video on my Kathy L. Murphy youtube channel at, which is the first of a two part series that will be up-and-coming soon. Stay tuned for that continuing story, it’s all about the story!

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- The Pulpwood Queen Updates from her Little Cabin in the Woods, Murphy’s Law! - June 5, 2021
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