Today I am launching a NEW blog called “Feather Your Nest” which will be a monthly blog on my Pulpwood Queen authors, writers, book club members, and art clients homes that have purchased my art for their homes. We will get to know how they “Feather Their Nest” as we learn of their decorating styles, their collections, whether art, books, or from their travels. We will learn of their favorite books, their libraries, and what books they may have written or are writing. And the best part, lots of photos for you to peruse!
Schedule of “Feather Your Nest” blogs:
August – Kathy L. Murphy, CEO and Founder of The International Pulpwood Queens Book Club Reading Nation,
September – Pulpwood Queen Book Club Author, R. Scott Boyer, author of the “Bobby Ether Series Book One and Two of Los Angeles, California,
October – Pulpwood Queen Book Club Member and Writer, Kimberly Engebrigtsen of Norfolk, Virginia.
November – Pulpwood Queen Book Club Author and National Children’s Book Award Winner of “The Underneath”, Kathi Appelt of College Station, Texas,
December – Pulpwood Queen Book Club Author Stephanie Chance of owner of Decorate Ornate and Art Gallery of the “Mamma Mia” book series,
One of my favorite things to do is visit people’s homes. I want to see how they live, what books are on their shelves, as to me decorating is such a personal choice and my own home is a constantly changing gallery. Years ago I was standing in the New York City home of John McNeel of Andrews & McNeel Publishing at a cocktail party given for all of the sales representatives for his company during our time of sales conference in NYC. To get to his apartments, you took an elevator with a bellman to his floor and when it opened you were at his beautifully stunning New York City home. His permanent family home was in Kansas City. As he gave me a personal tour around the great red room with grand piano and incredible library, I looked out from what I believe was the 4th story to an open space that faced The Dakota. This was the famous building for housing many famous people like John Lennon, which was in fact where he was shot and killed in front of, not far from Central Park West and the infamous “Strawberry Fields”.
Side note on The Dakota building, read this feature:
He directed my gaze through his gigantic glass picture window across to watching a woman cooking what looked like scrambling eggs on the stove. “See that woman, Kathy, that’s the actress Kathleen Turner.” I watched in utter amazement as she slid the eggs on to a plate and disappeared from view. I’ll never forget it. Oh those wonderful New York City days!
Years later I was flown to Los Angeles to land in Beverly Hills by Random House Publishing to stay in the retro boutique hotel, The Avalon. I had arrived.
I had been flown in to do a Beauty and the Book Show with Fannie Flagg, also sponsored by Random House Publishing, as we filmed all over Beverly Hills. I never had more fun in my life. We got to tour some wonderful homes in Beverly Hills and then even had a book club meeting in one of them. Oh, the places you will go when you are a real reader!
Here is that episode:
So I learned from Fannie Flagg we had many similarities. We both lived in the south, for her growing up in Birmingham, Alabama. We both loved books and reading. We both are Methodists and both been President of our local Rotary International chapters,her in Santa Barbara, me in Jefferson, Texas. We both loved to look at homes. She has the best stories ever and writes them too.
For more on one of my favorite authors in the whole wide world check out this video of Fannie Flagg as she talks about book clubs and the locations and settings of her books:
So as I launch this “Feather Your Nest” blog, each day this week I will be showing you b how I “Feather My Nest”. Won’t you join me and bring in all your “lookie loo” friends too, to quote Fannie Flagg. The story behind our stories is what has always intrigued me. As I always say, it’s all about the story and this time it is on how we “Feather Our Nest!
Reporting from my Valentine office at my little cabin in the woods, Murphy’s Law!
Truly, Tiara Wearing, Book, and “Feather Your Nest” Sharing,
When is the Zoom Meeting?
Kathy L. Murphy

- The Pulpwood Queen Talks about Creating and Sharing BEAUTY! - August 20, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Embraces Enchanted Living Magazine! - June 23, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Her Gratitude for all the Lifelong Friends and Friendships through her 20 years of Running Her Book Club! - June 16, 2021
- The Pulpwood Gives List of Books That She Will Never Forget, 65, in Fact! - June 12, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Ethan Hawke’s TEDTALK! - June 10, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Celebrates National Women’s Fiction Day! - June 8, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Updates from her Little Cabin in the Woods, Murphy’s Law! - June 5, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares All New Reading Initiatives! - April 26, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Wants to Tell You A Story! - April 1, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Presents now through the end of April, 2022 Virtual Girlfriend Weekend Offer for $99! - March 23, 2021