Today I wish to talk about “Feathering Your Nest” with books. I have armchair traveled around the world reading especially during this time of social distancing. Above you will see some of the reads and books of my now fascination with all the storytelling of India cinema all displayed on my living room coffee table. I love the colorful world of Bollywood, the costumes, the cinematography, the dance, and songs, but especially the storytelling. My dear friend, Stephanie Chance of Decorate Ornate that has the gallery where I house my art for purchase sells all her European finds. Here is a vintage print from India with fabric that she gave to me.
I am lost in those worlds and reading everything I can get my hands on anything to do with the subject.
Below are my home collections of books, this time in my children’s library that I have turned into a play room for my grandson Hawthorne. No matter where I sit to read I can reach out to grab a book with my fingertips, especially to story time to him.
This shadow box is especially precious as it houses a letter signed by Laura Ingalls Wilder, my childhood favorite given to me by my Aunt Marty, my father’s sister her presented to to after the death of my father. When she was a child in my hometown of Eureka, Kansas her class in grade school read the books and wrote letters to the author. Her teacher gave my Aunt Marty the letter as she had gone for the class to send a box of Russell-Stover chocolates to Laura Ingalls Wilder from the locally owned Rexall Drug Store. She presented it to me amongst other family keepsakes as she knew how much I love had a passion for reading.
The photos below are from my home at Murphy’s Law!
What I am reading now and other books around my home.
I just love to read, all genres, and books from all over the country and around the world. I read fiction and non-fiction and have quite extensive collections of art books, decorating books, travel books, books from art museums I have visited and place I have been on my travels. I life without books to me would not be a life. It’s all about the story.
I collect vintage typewriters, globes, maps, travel souvenirs, and always have my really big dictionary open to look for a word.
So as I feather my nest…this shot from my kitchen and others you can see that books are important and useful. I love my NEW knife holder!
I have Pat Conroy Book Magnets a souvenir from The Pat Conroy Literacy Center in Beaufort, South Carolina and all of his books around my home.
I also collect cookbooks and art books!
Tomorrow, I will share my travel finds from all over the world with you. Won’t you join me as we continue our story of “Feather Your Nest”!
Truly, Tiara Wearing and Book Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy Artist/Author/Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs and Author of “The Pulpwood Queens’ Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life”
Director of Acquisitions of Lucid House Publishing
P.O. Box 1220
Hawkins, Texas 75765 – 1220

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