When it comes to the favorite films of my childhood, tune into the films of the 1960’s. This is perhaps my favorite romantic comedy, “Man’s Favorite Sport” starring Paula Prentice and Rock Hudson. It’s the story of this man who has written a book on a guide to fishing but only one problem. He does not know how to fish!
Check out my latest blog on this at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRY0gmHXWfdLWAe7yMjp5bA?view_as=subscriber
This is what I dreamed would happen to me when I grew up. Find a hunky man who loved the outdoors and big laughs all the way. There was also plenty of alcohol being served and not that I am a big drinker, but that bar with those martini’s, priceless. I could live that moment anytime at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans with it’s revolving bar. I’d rather eat the olives, but you get the idea!
So my big blog today is on what brings happiness into your life and makes you laugh hard. Bring back these kind of films for me with lots of romance and reparte’, so I’m sure you could mix you up a pitcher of martini’s, sit back, relax and enjoy a film that still has me giggling like a school girl.
What’s your favorite romantic comedy? “Bringing Up Baby”? A Doris Day film, well this week I am diving into the films of the 1960’s, “Ski Party” comes to mind starring Frankie Avalon and Annette Funichello or perhaps Sally Field in the “Gidget” television series or film.
Have fun and recognize that it’s harder to make you laugh in films than cry, love the screenwriters from this time period so see you at the movies!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6cE8Q6bXSs&list=PLtWb51h0f90svvqDWDIK6ZSKJrlvL3HN0

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