Dear Readers!
During this time of social distancing during the Covid – 19 global pandemic I have been on a mission to read, write, paint, create, feather my nest, and to educate, enlighten, and entertain myself to keep me fully engaged in turning a negative into a positive. I have learned how to be alone with myself. A daunting task because I am no easy person to be with, I can’t sit still. I need work, good work to keep me busy and have found it so never been more productive in my life.
I have found I thrive on change. A regular routine makes me anxious, especially one when I have the time to relax. My mind won’t relax, how to fill the time. Besides all the above I watch films, interviews, videos, Ted Talks, and now this one today on Shah Rukh Khan Think interview:
I have watched many, many of his interviews but something in his presentation and the readings from his up and coming book today struck a chord within me. So honest and brutally truthful holding nothing back, I recognized again a kindred spirit. Now I have achieved nothing like this man has achieved in his lifetime but I understand that drive to fill that space in your life that you can never fill with the loss of your parents. His died at a fairly young age but my mother is very much alive and my father died some years back, totally different story but just as devastating to me. We are worlds apart but something about sharing a story connects us in a way that nothing else truly can. And to hear the author who wrote the story, who is writing the story speak of his or her story gives such deeper depth and understanding into us as human beings.
Please listen to this man, this author’s story. We want to change the world, it lies in listening and learning. It’s just that simple. It’s all about the story.
January 2021 this will be our International Book of the Month, see all my list at This is not a book I speak of but one that was written by Anupama Chopra who has interviewed him for decades. Shah Rukh Khan’s book is coming and you can hear excerpts of it in this interview above.
Yes, I get obsessive when it comes to books and stories of people that interest me. I look for visionaries and you’ll be reading more books this coming year from ones that I find excellent reads for lifelong learning and inspiration. I am just getting started and so excited about all the possibilities of this wonderful world to make even better connections through the sharing of stories. That is why now this coming year I going to add films to watch and even cookbooks, so we can create dishes to share with each other either in the safety of our own homes until when we can all come back together to meet in person that tie into our reads.
I have many more big plans so hang on to the wild ride as it may be a bumpy one until we can land safe and sound back into the new normal of our book reading community. Are you ready? Then fasten your seatbelts as we are going to be flying high armchair traveling! Onward and upward my dear reading friends. You now have homework, hahhahaa!
Truly, Tiara Wearing and Big Book Sharing!
Kathy L. Murphy

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- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Ethan Hawke’s TEDTALK! - June 10, 2021
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